- TA SA Company Limited (TASA), We have 20 years experience in telecom industry . The Certificate of Business Registration No 0310579482 issued by Department of Planning and Investment of Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam . Tasa has been established and structure by an experienced team with high professional knowledge of Telecoms, Construction and Trading.
- TASA has its Headquarter in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Moreover we have more than 120 employees (Marketing/Sales "corporate sales & retail sales", operation "technicians & Engineers" and helpdesk). We work regularly in all area of Vietnam, and can arrange travel further afield if necessary. We can also arrange for remote support where required.
- TASA has assembled a highly experienced professional staff with many years of experience that can bring you the best solutions in this rapidly changing, high-technology world for your telephone systems, networks, computer systems and more. Our management group has many years of experience, and we look forward to sharing our expertise with you. Our services include complete telecom implementation, maintenance and operation.
Customers wishing to contact for advice, please contact us
TASA Co., Ltd
Address 1: 216 Nguyen Hong Dao, Ward 14, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City
Address 2 : 60/1C Dong Lan , Ba Diem Ward , Hoc Mon District , Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: (08).37184841 Hotline: 0939290909 Fax: (08).37184843
Website: www.tasa.com.vn Email: info@tasa.com.vn
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